Best teams for asian handicap

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We present ranking of teams that have the highest number of played matches where, asian handicap was correct. You can check ranking by continent, and include only matches played at home or away. In table you find handicap for -0.5, -1.5, -2.5.

For example: if you bet that Barcelona will win with asian handicap -1.5, it means that team have to won with opponent by 2 goals. If in match will be draw bet is not correct.
If you bet that Barcelona will win with asian handicap -0.5, it means that team have to won with opponent by 1 goal. If you bet that Barcelona will win with asian handicap -2.5, it means that team have to won with opponent by 3 goals.

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Ranking generated: 8 may 2024 04:21
L Team GP -0.5 -1.5 -2.5
Werder Bremen II (11 may) 29 100.00% 96.55% 86.21%
PSV Eindhoven (12 may) 32 87.50% 78.13% 46.88%
Al Hilal (11 may) 30 93.33% 73.33% 30.00%
Eintracht Trier (11 may) 35 85.71% 68.57% 42.86%
FK Besa (11 may) 27 81.48% 66.67% 33.33%
Dynamo Kyiv (11 may) 27 74.07% 62.96% 22.22%
Ludogorets Razgrad (11 may) 31 77.42% 61.29% 32.26%
BFC Preussen (12 may) 30 70.00% 60.00% 33.33%
Kickers Emden (12 may) 30 83.33% 56.67% 36.67%
Altonaer FC 93 (12 may) 32 68.75% 56.25% 31.25%
TuS Dassendorf (12 may) 32 68.75% 56.25% 31.25%
PSG (12 may) 31 64.52% 54.84% 29.03%
Qarabag FK (11 may) 33 72.73% 54.55% 27.27%
RAAL La Louviere (11 may) 33 78.79% 54.55% 30.30%
Celtic (11 may) 35 74.29% 54.29% 34.29%
Rangers (11 may) 35 74.29% 54.29% 25.71%
Feyenoord (12 may) 32 75.00% 53.13% 28.13%
PAOK Thessaloniki FC (12 may) 33 66.67% 51.52% 27.27%
Galatasaray (12 may) 35 88.57% 51.43% 28.57%
Inter (10 may) 35 80.00% 51.43% 28.57%
Manchester City (11 may) 35 71.43% 51.43% 22.86%
Liverpool (13 may) 36 63.89% 50.00% 19.44%
Panathinaikos (15 may) 34 64.71% 50.00% 29.41%
Cesena (19 may) 39 79.49% 48.72% 23.08%
Cosmos (11 may) 33 57.58% 48.48% 39.39%
FK Crvena zvezda (today) 33 81.82% 48.48% 30.30%
Olympiacos (12 may) 33 66.67% 48.48% 33.33%
Ravenna (12 may) 34 61.76% 47.06% 29.41%
Pirmasens (11 may) 35 57.14% 45.71% 31.43%
SV Gonsenheim (11 may) 35 62.86% 45.71% 28.57%
CD Olimpia (10 may) 42 66.67% 45.24% 21.43%
Arsenal (12 may) 36 72.22% 44.44% 27.78%
ASD Citta' Di Siracusa (12 may) 36 72.22% 44.44% 19.44%
Mantova (11 may) 39 61.54% 43.59% 12.82%
Willem II (10 may) 37 59.46% 43.24% 21.62%
Real Estelí (tomorrow) 41 63.41% 39.02% 21.95%
Deportivo Saprissa (today) 47 74.47% 36.17% 19.15%
Bassano Virtus (12 may) 72 48.61% 22.22% 2.78%